Bahrain LocationSeef Mall – Kingdom of Bahrain
TeamEnrico Mari Grego, Arnold Del Rosario
Chronology2012 - 2014
Plot size – 3000 sqm
Built up area – 1800 sqm
Restaurants are creating architecture and interior designs that make people feel like they belong.The plot of the project has for two sides the walls of the mall with the entrance n. 6 and for the other two sides roads.
All described above make this plot very open with a back close like a theater stage.
The concept is to give importance to the entrance of the mall with a pedestrian street between the building with facilities and landscape.In this way a platform is created where three buildings insist on.
The place is neutral, so the idea to have three different buildings with a strong identity is the base of the concept, creating a modern mini urban environment with hi quality architecture.
The three buildings are iconic, with basic geometry and with a particular skin, made by wood, glass and concrete.Natural elements and the central square surround them and two pedestrian axes coated with a light gray stone.Light plays an important role in the architectural choice. Their own light illuminates the three volumes and the different skins that covered them will create an interesting play of light and shadow.
These “objects” are not only functional but qualify and transforming, giving an urban dynamism that arouse emotions to those who live them.
They were designed to be flexible to accommodate any type of restaurant, kitchens on the ground floor and services on the mezzanine floor, however positioned to ensure easy accessibility for deliveries.
Each restaurant has two sides of the space reserved for the outside tables for al fresco dining.