Our Philosophy

We live to design and create extraordinary structures, buildings that enhance and improves lives: constructions that delight, dazzle and engage: that redefine accepted standard and draw new frontiers on the aesthetic, emotional and intellectual maps
of the world: we innovate and we invent.

This what we do.

Our architecture will always be ahead of time, our philosophy of life and design is projected into coming and new ideas, our architecture are futuristic visions; we love to think outside the box.

You will be projected in a futuristic journey to give you concrete certainties with our buildings and projects to the uncertainty of life, to search through artistic and geometric content the essence of creative thinking that leads to the genesis of an idea called architecture.

The same philosophy pervades the entire artistic journey of our  projects, there is no lie, there is a linear and deep path showing an articulated way, complex and transparent to address different design themes to leave deep landscape marks and not only light memories.

We let only deep marks in the cities, in the landscapes and in the people, because for us to be architects  is a mission not only creative but also ethic.

Start sharing our philosophy with reading and appreciate our work through this website: little gems to be discovered in all their little nuances.

Our design philosophy is based on Seven essential elements


We are passionate about architecture and art.

Every project EMGA responds to engages the many challenges posed by out clients and we provide best technical and design solutions in our work.

EMGA works towards creating a working or living environment that integrates the best of our experience, technical knowledge, and creativity to allow our clients to inhabit and enjoy spaces that inspire them.


True innovation exists in various forms, but a true visionary innovator dives deep into territories of the unknown identifying white space opportunities in-order to emerge with wildly innovative ideas or concepts which EMGA change the world.


EMGA design is the only one of its kind without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled, unusual and extraordinary


Our pursuit of complete integration between internal space, structure, services and external fabric generates a level of authenticity that is very different from much of today’s surface-deep architecture. This requires a highly collaborative way of working and results in an architectural language that expresses the indivisibility of architecture, engineering and construction.


For more than ten years we have been reducing the environmental impacts of each project and our Business Plan identifies sustainable design and behavior as one of EMGA’ guiding principles.

Achieving high levels of sustainability requires a multi-disciplinary, investigative approach to design, combined with objectivity about the necessary research and its actual results. Moreover, for us the pursuit of sustainability combines art with science.


Working collaboratively with clients, engineers and others is not only rewarding and productive, but is also a way of enhancing our projects through proper integration of design and construction.


Each of our projects originates with a searching analysis of its requirements and context, followed by a transparent examination of design options so that all parties share in the sense of direction. When we have a favored architectural solution we say so, but we welcome debate and expect good ideas to stand up to scrutiny.